
Choosing The Phone Case Depending On Its Type and Uses

Do you believe that picking a smartphone case takes only a few minutes? That's not as simple as it appears. The moment you started to shop online or walk in a traditional mobile accessory...

How to use the best pressure washers for cars

The pressure washer is a device that is used for cleaning all types of stains from various surfaces with the help of a water pump. An electric motor drives the pump with the help...

Reasons Headband Wigs Become Popular in 2021

The truth is that headband wigs have become a great choice in 2021. With the advancement in the technology sector, you can identify the best 613 wig style that can suit your face shape. Women...

Parks and green spaces are important for our mental health – but we need...

How does walking through a forest make you feel? Peaceful? Blissful? Reflective? For many people, lockdown brought a new appreciation of nature and what it means for our well-being. The health benefits of immersing...

Experts say these two things are the secret to living a longer life

“Blue zones” are areas of the world where people live considerably longer lives. On these territories we can find octogenarians, nonagenarians and many centenarians, and even some supercentenarians (people who have reached the age of...

Longevity app calculates your life expectancy – but will it make us healthier?

Would knowing the date of your death influence your actions? It did for Tiberius Caesar. Convinced by the court astrologer Thrasyllus that he had many years of life ahead of him, the paranoid old...

We’ve known for over a century that our environment shapes our health, so why...

We’re healthier and live longer than our ancestors, yet we’re constantly reminded of deaths caused by war, terrorism and natural disasters. As terrible as these events are, they accounted for less than 1% of the 56 million...

The lifestyle factors that cause cancer – and why many people are still confused...

About a third of cancers could be prevented with lifestyle changes – that’s roughly a million cases of cancer in Europe each year. You might have thought that by now most people would be aware of...